Akron, OH, June 10, 2021 — Slater & Zurz is pleased to announce the winner of the 4th Annual Slater & Zurz Scholarship Award. Slater & Zurz is an Ohio law firm with offices in Akron, Canton, Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinnati dedicated to helping Ohio college students pursue their dreams of a higher education. The 4th Annual Slater & Zurz Scholarship awards a student with $5,000 toward costs incurred at an Ohio college or university during the 2021-22 academic year.
This year’s winner is 17-year-old Analyse Sutton, who will be attending Kent State University this fall to pursue a degree in Physical Therapy.
To compete for the scholarship, students were asked to write a 1,000 – 2,000 word essay and create a two to four-minute YouTube video addressing the following question:
“What changes should be made to law enforcement in the United States?”
Although this year’s scholarship contest attracted many compelling essays, Miss Sutton’s submission stood out due to its outstanding execution, insightful perspective, and discerning solutions. In her winning essay, Analyse Sutton wrote,
“As law enforcement officers work through this difficult time, they need to hold each other accountable and give each other support to discern good from evil and the strength to make good choices, even when those choices are made under great amounts of stress.”
When asked why she chose physical therapy as her course of study, she explained, “I started off the year (2020) on a mission trip to Liberia and West Africa to work with children. One day, a young girl brought her little brother to the village we were in. She said he was ill, and since a fellow volunteer was a physical therapist, the sister hoped she could help. The boy had Cerebral Palsy. Seeing him and watching the physical therapist work with him is what made me realize that pediatric physical therapy was something I could do to help children. I want to bring that little bit of relief and comfort I saw the physical therapist give this boy to other children.”
Jim Slater and the rest of the Slater & Zurz team wish to Analyse the best and look forward to hearing from her about her future endeavors.
About Slater & Zurz
For over 40 years, Slater & Zurz have helped Ohioans with a variety of legal matters pertaining to personal injury, family law, and probate law. Their experienced and compassionate legal team deeply cares about the members of our community and understands the importance of obtaining a quality education. Offering the Slater & Zurz Annual Scholarship Award is one way to give back to our community and ease some of the financial effects that are often felt during the pursuit of a college degree.
The Slater & Zurz team wants to thank everyone who participated in the 4th Annual Scholarship Contest. We welcome you to check back next year to learn more about next year’s contest.