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Johnson & Johnson Finally Recalls its Baby Powder

For years, despite growing concerns that its baby powder was contaminated with asbestos—a substance known to cause cancer—Johnson & Johnson finally recalled its baby powder after the Food and Drug Administration confirmed the presence of asbestos in that product. Upon
announcement of the recall, the FDA advised consumers with baby powder from the lot found to contain asbestos (lot number 22318RB) to “stop using it immediately.”

This is the first time, despite countless lawsuits asserting that its baby powder causes cancer, that Johnson & Johnson tacitly acknowledged the existence of a problem by removing the product from store shelves. Nonetheless, Johnson & Johnson persists in repeating longstanding claims that its talc products do not contain asbestos.

At Slater & Zurz LLP, our first and foremost concern is getting justice for people injured by the misconduct of others, including giant corporations that abuse the sacred trust of their loyal customers who are unaware of corporate policies that disregard consumers’ rights, health, and
even their lives, market harmful—even lethal—products. We take your well-being seriously, demonstrated by our proven track record of success in representing clients injured by dangerous and defective products. If you believe Johnson & Johnson’s baby powder injured you, call to speak with our personal injury lawyers for a free consultation to find out what your rights are. If we take your case, you pay nothing unless we win for you.

Johnson & Johnson has a long history of suspected product defects

Baby Powder and Other Talc-related Products

For years, Johnson & Johnson put profits over safety, pretending that its talcum powder was harmless despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Talc is a mineral formed underground under the same conditions as asbestos. Asbestos can mingle with talc in the mines from which
talc is obtained.

Beginning years ago, more and more women, trusting in Johnson & Johnson’s reputation for producing safe and healthful products, used the company’s baby powder regularly, not only on their babies’ bottoms but also for feminine hygiene purposes. Sadly, many of these women developed ovarian cancer, as well as lung cancer, cancer of the larynx (voice box), and mesothelioma, a cancer of the lining of internal organs associated with asbestos.

For years, neither the women nor their lawyers were aware of the connection between the baby powder and asbestos. However, over time, it became impossible to ignore the repeated occurrence of cancer among Johnson & Johnson’s baby powder users. Over 15,000 lawsuits have been filed based on claims that the plaintiffs developed cancer as a result of using Johnson & Johnson’s baby powder and other talc-based products.

The October 18, 2019, recall marks the first time Johnson & Johnson has removed its baby powder from stores over asbestos concerns. As Johnson & Johnson defends itself in numerous legal battles concerning the safety of its products, the recall may undercut attempts to defend against claims that its talc-based products cause cancer. The baby powder lawsuits could cost Johnson & Johnson $5 billion to $10 billion.

Internal memos and reports that were disclosed during litigation document Johnson & Johnson’s concerns about the risk of asbestos contamination dating back approximately 50 years. Despite that knowledge, Johnson & Johnson failed to warn the public about this grave and potentially lethal danger.

Other Johnson & Johnson Products

Johnson & Johnson has settled some claims related to the national opioid crisis. One day before the recall of its baby powder, Johnson & Johnson agreed to pay $117 million to settle a lawsuit over its transvaginal pelvic mesh products, often used for urinary incontinence in women. Also in October 2019, Johnson & Johnson was ordered to pay $8 billion based on the risks of the antipsychotic drug Risperdal. Overall, there are over 100,000 lawsuits targeting Johnson & Johnson’s products.

The baby powder recall may lead to dire consequences for Johnson & Johnson. The recall decision has been characterized as a “whopper” for a company like Johnson & Johnson that depends heavily on consumers’ trust and confidence in its products. In the summer of 2018, 22 women with ovarian cancer won almost $4.7 billion in a Missouri talcum powder lawsuit. The lawsuit was based on claims that Johnson & Johnson knew about the connection between talc and asbestos but failed to warn them of this danger.

The recent baby powder recall may result in Johnson & Johnson’s having to pay consumers more money in damages in cases taken to trial or increase pressure on the company to settle lawsuits that the company might have taken to trial—for significantly higher sums than the company might have offered before the recall.

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with ovarian cancer and suspect that cancer may have resulted from the use of Johnson & Johnson’s baby powder, you should reach out to a law firm like Slater & Zurz LLP with experience and a long history of success in personal injury and product liability cases. Call or email us for a free consultation. We will review the facts of your case, answer all your questions, and advise you of the best way to proceed. If we take your case, you won’t have to pay any fees unless and until we win your case at trial or reach a satisfactory settlement of your claims. We’re on your side!

Especially if you regularly used Johnson & Johnson’s baby powder and believe you could have ovarian cancer, see a doctor!

When it recalled its baby powder, Johnson & Johnson proclaimed that the level of asbestos in its product was minimal—less than one percent of the sample tested. However, according to national health agencies, there is no safe level for asbestos exposure. Cancer doesn’t cure itself. If left untreated, it will only get worse.

The health risks posed by asbestos increase with longer and heavier exposure to it. However, people with only limited exposure have been diagnosed with cancer. Don’t take a chance with your life: talk to your doctor if you used John & Johnson’s baby powder for any significant period of time.

If you have been diagnosed with cancer after the long-term use of Johnson & Johnson’s baby powder, trust an experienced law firm dedicated to seeking compensation for victims of concealed product defects.

Over 40 years ago, when he began his legal career, Attorney Jim Slater, the managing partner of Slater & Zurz LLP, insisted that a business client disclose and eliminate a potentially lethal defect in its products—even though taking that position could have cost him his job. More recently, he has worked with other law firms seeking compensation for victims of “C-8,” a carcinogen as lethal as asbestos that Dow Chemical released into the same rivers and streams that supply Ohio’s and West Virginia’s drinking water.

At Slater & Zurz LLP, our product liability lawyers take your health and safety seriously. We have demonstrated success in handling personal injury and product liability cases. Sometimes we partner with other firms that specialize in certain types of cases to ensure that our clients are in the best position to recover from those who have caused them harm.

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with cancer after prolonged exposure to Johnson & Johnson’s baby powder, you can count on our product liability lawyers to fully evaluate your claim, answer any questions, and advise you concerning the best way to proceed. Call one of the experienced personal injury lawyers on our team for a free consultation. We’re here to serve your legal needs with unwavering persistence, dedication, and the drive to win for you!