Divorce Lawyer

Divorce Mediation

When people are engaged in a divorce, the Court may require the parties to attend mediation. Mediation is a process in which a neutral third party, the mediator, facilitates communication and negotiation between the parties to help them reach a voluntary agreement regarding their disputes. Most counties in Ohio have their

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Fathers Rights

10 Child Custody Tips for Fathers

Whether you’re considering divorce, already divorced, or never married, getting custody of your child can be a daunting proposition. Is the mother going to turn your quest for custody into a knock-down-drag-out fight? Or is she likely to be reasonable, understanding that fathers can have the same feelings for their children as

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Dividing Property and Liabilities in a Divorce

Dividing Assets and Liabilities

Difference Between Marital and Separate Property During a divorce, there is a process for dividing assets. The Court is required to identify all assets and their current values. This includes properties such as homes, cars, pets, boats, jewelry, furniture, computers, businesses, bank accounts, life insurance policies, stocks, bonds, and retirement accounts,

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