Paraquat is a chemical so toxic it has been banned in nearly three dozen countries, including the entire European Union. So why hasn’t the United States banned it? Known for its links to Parkinson’s Disease, Paraquat is lethal in some cases when exposure occurs through its application as a commercial herbicide.
Ever lived near a farm? Still, living there? If that farm uses Paraquat, contact can occur through the air, through the skin, and by ingesting it. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has said swallowing or inhaling just 2.5 grams of the poisonous weed killer can be fatal.
It isn’t easy to understand why the U.S. still allows Paraquat to be used. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention consider the chemical significantly more toxic than other available herbicides. However, Paraquat manufacturers still report annual profits in the billions of dollars and use in the U.S. has continued to grow.
Paraquat – also recognizable under Gramoxone and Ortho Paraquat brand – has well-documented links to Parkinson’s. According to the National Institute on Aging, the disease occurs with the death of nerve cells in the brain that control movement. Tremors, stiffness, difficulty walking, balance, and coordination issues arise as the disease progresses.
So What Can You Do?
There is a treatment for Parkinson’s Disease. Joining our Paraquat lawyers in this fight could get you the relief you need—the relief you deserve. We are helping clients all across the United States.
If you or someone you care about has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease and suspect exposure to Paraquat, call us for a free and confidential legal consultation with a Paraquat lawyer. Together we can determine if you can seek financial compensation. We’re always toll-free at 888.534.4850.
Are You At Risk?
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Paraquat is still one of the most widely used herbicides in the United States. Nearly 11 million pounds of Paraquat are sprayed on crops each year to kill and prevent weeds and grasses. The crops where Paraquat is most used include:
- Corn
- Soybeans
- Wheat
- Alfalfa
- Hay
- Cotton
- Orchards
- Vineyards
In 1997, the EPA announced that exposure to Paraquat during its mixing, loading, and application – and the post-application process – represented the primary route of exposure to people. The EPA further suggested that despite the herbicide not being registered for residential use, exposure to Paraquat poisoning is possible for people who live near farms where the weed killer is applied.
Direct Exposure
Direct exposure includes people who have mixed, sprayed, transported, or otherwise handled Paraquat in the course of their job or career.
Indirect Exposure
Indirect exposure includes people who lived or worked near areas where Paraquat was still being used or stored.
What is Paraquat Poisoning?
Paraquat poisoning is possible after even minimal exposure. In addition to a significant increase in the chance of getting Parkinson’s Disease, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lists these possible signs and symptoms:
- Chemical burns in and around the mouth and nose
- Shortness of breath and lung scarring
- Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea
- Loss of consciousness/coma
Long-term effects depending on the level of exposure could include:
- Heart, kidney, and liver failure
- Esophageal scarring
- Permanent lung damage
- Death
Multiple Scientific Studies Show Link
It doesn’t take significant exposure to Paraquat to put people at risk for developing serious health conditions. Over the past 20 years, the scientific community has ramped up its research on the effects of Paraquat exposure to humans, specifically the risk of Parkinson’s disease. Several studies have shown that even low levels of exposure to Paraquat increase the risk of developing Parkinson’s Disease. We’ve listed some of those studies here:
Agricultural Health Study
Ongoing research by the United States government that began in 1993 examined possible links to cancer and other adverse health outcomes in farmers and their spouses exposed to Paraquat. Of the 100,000 people who participated in this study, some developed Parkinson’s Disease after directly using Paraquat or living near areas where the herbicide was used.
The FAME Study
The Farming & Movement Evaluation, or FAME, was conducted by the Parkinson’s Institute and the National Institutes of Health in 2011. These organizations dug deeper into the Agricultural Health Study. They found that people exposed to Paraquat are 2.5 times more likely to develop Parkinson’s Disease than those who are not.
Genetic Modification of the Association of Paraquat and Parkinson’s Disease Study
This 2012 study examined confirmed cases of Parkinson’s Disease through Paraquat exposure. The study determined that Paraquat poses a greater Parkinson’s Disease risk for people with a certain type of genetic profile.
Meta-Analysis Study
This is a review of all past studies conducted on Paraquat and its link to Parkinson’s Disease. The findings indicating people exposed to Paraquat develop Parkinson’s Disease at a higher rate than those who were not exposed.
Study in Nature Chemical Biology
This 2016 study identified oxidative stress as the specific process through which Paraquat kills cells. Oxidative stress – physiological stress on the body caused by cumulative damage – is a condition that leads to many diseases, including Parkinson’s.
Compensation Is Possible By Joining the Paraquat Lawsuit
If you think you or a loved one have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease or other maladies due to suspected Paraquat exposure, filing a Paraquat lawsuit against the manufacturers of this dangerous product may get you compensation for the following:
- Past and future medical and funeral expenses that result from the injuries.
- Past and future pain and suffering (physical and mental) caused by the injuries and the treatment and recovery process.
- Past and future wage loss and loss of estate (if death occurred).
- Past and future loss of earning capacity.
- Past and future loss of enjoyment of life.
- Punitive damages, if appropriate.
By joining the mass tort against Syngenta and Chevron in a class action lawsuit, you stand a chance to receive compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, and more.
How Slater & Zurz Can Help You Get Involved in the Paraquat Lawsuit
The Ohio law firm of Slater & Zurz has extensive experience in challenging large corporations like Syngenta and Chevron, helping victims of Paraquat exposure fight for the compensation they deserve.
Slater & Zurz have a long history of fighting for people who have suffered injuries and hardships from the use or exposure to dangerous and defective products like Paraquat.
We have helped clients living along the Ohio River receive compensation for the kidney and testicular cancer they developed by drinking water contaminated by a toxic chemical called C8 that was carelessly dumped into the Ohio River.
We are helping women across Ohio seek justice and compensation for ovarian cancer they developed because of the regular use of products containing talcum.
It takes a powerful legal team with significant resources to go up against the large companies that manufacture dangerous and defective products that cause serious injuries and death. We have the experience needed to win. We’re committed to the fight, to doing whatever is needed to get justice for our clients.
Let Us Earn It
When someone contacts our law firm to discuss any legal matter, it doesn’t cost a thing. We have to earn our fee, and we only earn it if we win.
There is no obligation to hire us, but we think you will. We have an arsenal of legal experience at your disposal. Put us to work for you.
Call us anytime, day or night. It’s toll-free at 888.534.4850. You can also send us a message here.
- Eating or drinking Paraquat-contaminated foods or drinks.
- Absorption of Paraquat through the skin, with increased risk based on the duration of exposure and the chemical’s concentration strength.
- Inhalation when it is sprayed on crops.
- Farmers
- Farmworkers
- Landscapers
- Agricultural workers
- Residents of rural areas near fields where Paraquat is used
- Workers who mix, transport, apply or otherwise handle the chemical
The purpose of any given lawsuit is to effect change. In this case, Slater & Zurz needs partners like you to effective this change – to help current victims and help prevent future ones. If you or someone you care about developed Parkinson’s Disease after suspected exposure to Paraquat, we want to discuss your options.
Filing a Paraquat lawsuit can secure much-needed compensation for past and future medical expenses, offering financial relief during this challenging time.
By filing a Paraquat lawsuit, you may be in line for much-needed compensation. Compensation could come through the following:
- Past and future medical and funeral expenses that result from the injuries.
- Past and future pain and suffering (physical and mental) caused by the injuries, and the treatment and recovery process.
- Past and future wage loss and loss of estate (if death occurred).
- Past and future loss of earning capacity.
- Past and future loss of enjoyment of life.
- Punitive damages, if appropriate.